“Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People”, marele castigator al MBC Drama Awards 2017
Iata ca anul acesta se incheie in curand si in industria dramelor coreene au loc galele de premiere a celor mai bune productii din acest an. Si cum televiziunile nationale coreene au facut o traditie in a-si prezenta aprecierile pentru drame si actori care s-au facut remarcati in acest an, primul dintre ele care da “startul” a fost postul MBC.
Pe 30 decembrie a avut loc gala de sfarsit de an “MBC Drama Awards”. Anul acesta s-a lasat cu cateva schimbari in privinta sistemului de vot, astfel ca marele premiu (Daesang) nu a mai fost ales prin votul oferit de ARS, ci in urma voturilor oferite de profesionistii in domeniu. In schimb, fanii si-au putut arata sustinerea votand la categoriile “Cel mai bun rol negativ”, “Cel mai bun personaj comic”, “Cel mai bun luptator” etc. Cel care a oferit Marele Premiu a fost castigatorul de anul trecut, Lee Jong Suk, care l-a avut alaturi pe Choi Gyo Sik, un actor cunoscut cu o cariera infloritoare de mai bine de 26 de ani.
Cel care se poate numi “norocosul” serii a fost actorul Kim Sang Joong, care a castigat Marele Premiu pentru prestatia sa din drama “Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People”.
In discursul sau, Kim Sang Joong le-a multumit tuturor celor cu care a colaborat in productia acestei drame, afirmand ca si de acum in colo va da tot ce poate pentru a fi in continuare un actor senior care da un exemplu bun juniorilor sai.
De fapt drama “Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People” a fost marea castigatoare a serii, intrucat echipa de productie si actorii ei au plecat acasa cu un total de 9 premii.
Iata aici lista completa a castigatorilor:
Grand Prize: Kim Sang Joong (“Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People”)
> Drama of the Year: “Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People”
> Female High Excellence Award for Monday-Tuesday Drama: Honey Lee (“Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People”)
> Male High Excellence Award for Monday-Tuesday Drama: Jo Jung Suk (“Two Cops”), Kim Ji Suk (“20th Century Boy and Girl,” “Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People”)
> Female High Excellence Award for Serial Drama: Kim Mi Kyung (“Person Who Gives Happiness”)
> Male High Excellence Award for Serial Drama: Go Se Won (“Return of Bok Dan Ji”)
> Female High Excellence Award for Miniseries: Ha Ji Won (“Hospital Ship”)
> Male High Excellence Award for Miniseries: Yoo Seung Ho (“Ruler: Master of the Mask”)
> Female High Excellence Award for Weekend Drama: Lee Mi Sook (“Money Flower”)
> Male High Excellence Award for Weekend Drama: Jang Hyuk (“Money Flower”)
> Female Excellence Award for Monday-Tuesday Drama: Chae Soo Bin (“Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People”)
> Male Excellence Award for Monday-Tuesday Drama: Kim Seon Ho (“Two Cops”)
> Female Excellence Award for Serial Drama: Song Sun Mi (“Return of Bok Dan Ji”)
> Male Excellence Award for Serial Drama: Kang Kyung Joon (“All Kinds of Daughters-In-Law”)
> Female Excellence Award for Miniseries: Han Sun Hwa (“Radiant Office”)
> Male Excellence Award for Miniseries: Shin Sung Rok (“Man Who Dies to Live”)
> Female Excellence Award for Weekend Drama: Jang Hee Jin (“You Are Too Much”)
> Male Excellence Award for Weekend Drama: Jang Seung Jo (“Money Flower”)
> Popularity Award: Kim So Hyun (“Ruler: Master of the Mask”), I L (Kim Myung Soo) (“Ruler: Master of the Mask”)
> Golden Acting Award for Monday-Tuesday Drama: Seo Yi Sook (“Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People”), Jung Bo Suk (“The King Loves,”)
> Golden Acting Award for Serial Drama: Song Ok Suk (“Person Who Gives Happiness”), Ahn Nae Sang (“Golden Pouch”)
> Golden Acting Award for Miniseries: Kim Sun Kyung (“Ruler: Master of the Mask”), Jang Shin Young (“Radiant Office”), Oh Jung Sae (“Missing 9”)
> Golden Acting Award for Weekend Drama: Shin Dong Mi (“Father, I’ll Take Care of You”), Ahn Gil Sang (“Bad Thief, Good Thief”)
> Best Comedic Actor Award: Jung Kyung Ho (“Missing 9”)
> Best Fighting Spirit Award: INFINITE’s L (Kim Myung Soo) (“Ruler: Master of the Mask”)
> Best Villain Award: Choi Tae Joon (“Missing 9”)
> Best Scriptwriter of the Year Award: Hwang Jin Young (“Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People”)
> Best Child Actor Award: Nam Da Reum (“The King Loves”), Lee Ro Woon (“Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People”)
> Best New Actress Award: Girls’ Generation’s Seohyun (“Bad Thief, Good Thief”), Lee Sun Bin (“Missing 9”)
> Best New Actor Award: Kim Seon Ho (“Two Cops”), Kim Jung Hyun (“Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People”)
Felicitari toturor! In concluzie pentru cine nu a vazut deja, trebuie sa urmariti drama “Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People”.
Traducere: Daniela Coman
Sursa: www.soompi.com
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