
Han Eu Ddeum – poze de la nuntă

Pe 9 mai, agenția SUBLIME a lui Han Eu Ddeum a lansat o declarație oficială în care anunța căsătoria actriței.

Hello, this is SUBLIME.

We would like to convey our official position regarding our actress Han Eu Ddeum’s marriage.

[The actress] will hold her wedding on May 12. The groom-to-be is a non-celebrity, and together with Han Eu Ddeum, they will pledge to become [each other’s] lifelong partners based on deep trust and love.

We ask for your blessings and support for actress Han Eu Ddeum, who is about to begin a new chapter with her reliable partner as their [marriage] comes to fruition.

Han Eu Ddeum a debutat ca model pentru revista KiKi în 2003. A jucat în diverse drame, inclusiv „Righteous Love”, „Nevertheless” și „Celebrity”.

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